
Why Native Advertising is important for SMBs

As a business owner ask yourself: Are you familiar with Native Advertising? Do you know what it is or what it does? Native ads are more engaging than traditional display...

Best Ways to Use Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is the process of gaining website traffic by purchasing ads on search engines, sometimes called: Paid search ads Paid search advertising PPC (pay-per-click) CPC (cost-per-click) CPM...

How to create a Native Advertising Campaign that works

As a Project Manager it is my job to create content ideas, fulfill and execute client campaigns.   This means I am responsible for producing fresh content on a regular basis. ...

5 reasons why you should use Video in your Content Marketing Plan

It's no secret that the use of videos in Content Marketing is on the rise. Do you know that YouTube is now the second largest search engine on the web? ...

5 Things to Know about Google My Business

Google wants users to have the best search experience, so they've made it easy for businesses to create listings where visitors can get information without even opening a website. Google...

Getting Started on LinkedIn in 8 Easy Steps

Many people still think of LinkedIn as a glorified job search board, this professional social networking site is actually an amazing business-to-business marketing tool, if you know what you're doing. Here is...

Tips on how your business should handle negative comments on Social Media

Lets face it we have all seen the comments on Google, Facebook and Yelp pages to name a few and some are good, but most of them are bad. When...

Email Campaigns: Still Relevant and Powerful

Your businesses' marketing mix can and should be comprised of many elements. From the core group, which may include your website, social media, and print advertising, to the more specific...

Focus your message and stay top of mind to your customers with a retargeting strategy!

Are you a business who is trying to reach people in a certain area? Do you have a product or service that seems to align with a specific demographic or...