Native Advertising Innovative Content Advertising Formats
Native Advertising (also called Branded or Sponsored Content) is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action. Native ads match the visual design of the experience they live within, and look and feel like natural content. Native ads must behave consistently with the native user experience, and function just like natural content.
Shaw Media’s Sponsored Content Program:
- Custom article(s) for use on your website, blog and Social Media
- Keyword inclusion in articles for SEO benefit
- Article placement on Shaw Media websites, social media, newsletters and in newspapers to reach a wider audience
- Custom or Montage 15/30 second video(s) posted on Shaw Media’s Facebook page, YouTube and Your content article page
- Extend your reach with Native Advertising, targeting an audience that is specific and relevant to YOUR target audience.
Native Advertising Program:
Native ads maximize your campaign’s potential by targeting an audience that is specific and relevant to your campaign. Each target audience is defined by their demographic characteristics, online behaviors, interests, and geographic location served on content sites across the web. Reach this audience with the most appropriate online advertising tactics and optimized to ensure the best possible performance for your campaign.
Our talented marketing team will develop a customized marketing plan to fit any budget.
If you want to reach your target audience, contact us