Brett Carr
Brett grew up in New Lenox, Illinois and has been working in the advertising field since college. He has always had a passion for advertising and marketing starting with print: newspapers, magazines and marketing pieces. He then moved into the digital world. While working at Crain Communications he was an integral part of launching websites and selling digital advertising to local and national businesses. Then at Gatehouse Media, he came back to the newspaper industry, trained reps and sold digital marketing to locally owned businesses in Western Illinois. Brett was thrilled to come back to his old stopping grounds in 2014 to sell digital marketing for Shaw Media to locally owned businesses. He provides the online tools to make a difference in their online presence in the Chicago suburbs.
Do you have a favorite quote?
“Live life to the fullest, and focus on the positive.” Matt Cameron
If you had a superpower what would it be?
The ability to fly to reduce drive time.
You're happiest when?
On my front porch, listing to music, enjoying a cocktail.
What is your hidden talent?
Being MacGyver in the kitchen, able to make a meal out of whatever is available in the kitchen.
Best Part/Favorite Part of your job at SMM?
When ad reps realize how important digital is for their clients.
Favorite Sports/Sports Teams
Hiking, biking, swimming
Favorite TV Show/Movie
CBS Sunday Morning
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Strange facts about you?
From 9-12 years old, was in 4-H swine project.
Favorite Band/Music?